Sunday, November 30, 2014

Savior of the World Tickets Still Available!

TICKETS ARE AVAILABLE! Don't miss out on Savior of The World.

PLEASE trade / resell ANY tickets you can't use. There are people who want tickets.
Please use HRBB to help with exchanging tickets. If you are not on it, ask a few friends in your ward, they can help you.

The remaining tickets will be available via email at first come, first serve.
Tickets will be held at a will call and you will need to bring exact change or check, to get the tickets the day/night of your performance.

Arrive early Please.

Tickets still available: $5.00 per ticket

Nov 30th Sunday SOLD OUT
Dec 4th Thursday, 7:00pm 76
Dec 5th Friday, 7:00pm 11 single seats only
Dec 6th Saturday, 2:00pm 103
Dec 6th Saturday, 7:00pm 9 total, one set of 3 and then single seats only

Sunday's Pinnable Quote: President Uchtdorf

Friday, November 28, 2014

He Is the Gift

This beautiful video was recently put out by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Please share this with your friends and family via social media, or for a wonderful FHE lesson.

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Elder Eyring Invited To the Vatican

President Eyring, of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, was invited as one of only 17 faith leaders throughout the world to meet with the Pope at the Vatican to discuss traditional marriage.

For more information- including video and a transcript of President Eyring's speech, click HERE.

Monday, November 24, 2014

Missionary Monday: Sister Grover Serving in Russia!

We woke up this morning to a few inches of really wet snow! I guess winter has officially started here.

It has been quite a busy week. Here are a few highlights from each day:

On Monday, we met with a member from Ghana who was baptized a few years ago in Samara, Russia. One of the things I love about serving a mission is that you get to meet lots and lots of new members. Each of them just glows and truly reflects the light of Christ. When I asked her how she met the missionaries, she told me the story and said, "Yeah. And they saved my life. It's amazing!" A nice reminder of why we are here -- the Gospel saves lives!

We had a couple of good meetings on Tuesday. One of them was with our investigator from Japan. We met at her house and used her ipad to facetime with the sister missionaries in Japan. They also brought a member along with them. I think it was really helpful for our investigator to hear some of the answers to her questions in her native language. It was fun to see the sister missionaries teach a lesson in Japanese. It's amazing to think about how the gift of tongues has blessed so many lives.

On Wednesday, we enjoyed an exchange with the sister missionaries in a city that is right outside of Moscow. It was fun to teach some lessons in Russian again. So far, I haven't forgotten everything in Russian!

On Thursday, we got to teach a new investigator who is from the Philippines. It was probably one of my favorite lessons that I have taught on my mission. She is very open to reading the Book of Mormon and finding out if it is true. I am excited for our next lesson with her this week.

Friday was a busy day! I was with another sister in our area and we had a great day. I always learn so much from exchanges and this time was no different. She gave me lots of ideas for how to improve some teaching skills. One of the meetings we had was with a church member from the Philippines. I felt strongly that we should visit her that day, and it became more clear why when we were with her. She was so grateful that we had come to uplift her and help her feel the Holy Spirit. It is always reassuring when you receive confirmation that you are working with the Spirit.

Saturday's highlight was our service project. One of the American members recruited us to volunteer at a craft fair at the Anglo-American school. The school is really beautiful and there were kids and parents from all over the world. The craft fair was pretty elaborate, and it was fun to make some connections with more international people.

In September, I sent you this:
"I was companions with Sister R. [Emma’s Missionary Training Center companion] again for one day and it was a lot of fun! We met with a young woman from the Ivory Coast who is studying here. She told us that she wanted to develop a closer relationship with God and make Him more of a priority in her life."

Fast forward to October . . . That was the first lesson with her, and since then she came to church once (before I was here). After that, the sister missionaries lost contact with her for a few weeks. This week she texted us and told us that she was in the hospital and didn't have her phone so she couldn't reply. She said she wanted to meet and come to church. We were thrilled! On Sunday she came to church for the second time and absolutely loved it. Her husband is living here too. It seems like most of the Africans here are either not married or have a spouse living in Africa. She works in the Ivory Coast Embassy, so she is pretty solid. She said her husband wants to come to church next week too! She loves reading the Book of Mormon and said that she knows it is the word of God. We will meet later this week, so I am excited to see her continue to learn.

Another investigator from Malaysia came to church too. She is a student here studying to be a heart surgeon and speaks many languages. She is of Indian ethnicity, and used to be Catholic but hasn't found a church here in Moscow.

This week should be great! I am headed to Riga, Latvia [where Jason served his mission], to renew my visa tomorrow and Yaroslavl later in the week. There is a lot to handle with traveling and keeping up our area, but hopefully we can do it.

This week I was able to spend some time reviewing the General Conference talks [see] (So grateful for our ipod touch!). I felt like there was a lot of instruction about the Sacrament, so this week, I tried to apply some of the principles I learned. It was a powerful experience as I really tried to understand the significance of the Sacrament and think about it more throughout the week.

It sounds like you all enjoyed Elder Klebingat's talk [see]. It was also one of my favorites! He is in my ward technically [Elder Klebingat, the former mission president of the Ukraine Kyiv Mission currently serves in the East European Area Presidency which is headquartered in Moscow]. So far, I have only seen Sister Klebingat, but maybe I'll have a chance to meet him while I am here.

President and Sister Borders held training for the Relief Society, Primary, and Young Women’s presidents this weekend. All of these auxiliary leaders traveled to Moscow. I got to see some of my favorite members from Lipetsk! The training was all day long and everyone learned so much. I translated for President and Sister Borders for the second half, and it was exhausting. I think it went okay though, and I hope I got all of the ideas across that they had hoped for. I loved meeting all of the leaders from each of the outer cities. There are some amazing members in Russia! They all have that special glow about them and work so hard to fulfill their callings. 

Sister Grover

Sister Grover is serving from the Summit View Ward.

Friday, November 21, 2014

Pioneer Trek 2013 Video

Certainly the youth of our stake remember the uplifting and testimony building experience of the Pioneer Trek from 2013. Here is a video that was made just after the trek that we want to share, even if it is a bit after the fact:

Wednesday, November 19, 2014


His Birth and Resurrection

Please don't miss out on this beautiful musical drama

Presented by The Highlands Ranch Stake.

Tickets are selling fast!

Ticket sale dates at The Stake Center:

Wednesday, November 19th 7:00-9:30 pm
Saturday, November 22nd 8:00-10:00 am

Volunteers Needed to Support the Cast of Savior of the World

As we head into final rehearsals, we are in need of some sisters to assist in the last stages of the production.  If you would be interested in supporting the production in the areas listed below, please email the persons listed below.  Someone from the production staff will contact you. 

Makeup Support – We have a theatrically trained Makeup Director who will teach all the cast to put on their own makeup.  We need some people to check makeup and make sure that people have applied their makeup correctly.  People interested in this opportunity would need to be present before performances.  Time commitment would include attending as many final rehearsals and performances as you can.  If you would be interested in supporting the production with costuming support please email Wanda Wilson at

Costume Support – We have two Costume Directors who are managing all the costumes for this production.  We need some help with distribution and collection of costumes and support for members of the cast.  People interested in this opportunity would need to be present before, during and after performances.  Time commitment would include attending as many rehearsals and performances as you can.  If you would be interest in supporting the production with costuming support please email Lynette Spear at  or Lisa Crellin at

Monday, November 17, 2014

Missionary Monday: Elder Mueller Serving in New York, New York

 Here are some pictures from Elder Mueller serving in New York, New York:

Elder Mueller is serving from the Highlands Ranch Ward. Much of his proselyting is done via social media. If you would like more information from his mission, you can click HERE.

Friday, November 14, 2014

Westridge Ward Trunk or Treat

The Westridge Ward held their annual trunk-or-treat. A great time was had by all!

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Savior of the World Tickets On Sale TODAY!

Savior of the World: His Birth and Resurrection 

at Rock Canyon High School Auditorium

Presented on:

Sunday, November 30th at 6 PM

Thursday, December 4th at 7 PM

Friday, December 5th at 7 PM

Saturday, December 6th at 2 PM and 7 PM

Tickets: $5.00


All sales take place at the Highlands Ranch Stake Center

Wednesday, November 12th, 7-9:30 PM
Friday, Movember 14th 6-9 PM
Wednesday, November 19th 7-9:30 PM
Saturday, November 22nd 8-10 AM

***Tickets sold ONLY in advance on dates listed above***

Guidelines for the show:

This event is being performed for the spiritual edification of the members of the Highlands Ranch Stake and their friends and family. Please help us fulfill that purpose by following the below guidelines:

Members are encouraged to invite non-member friends and family to attend

Families are encouraged to attend together.

Tickets are only valid for the show time listed on the ticket

Ticket sales are limited to 10 seats per purchase/family per show

Be seated 15 minutes prior to show time

Seat assignments are listed on the ticket, please seat yourself accordingly

No children under the age of 8

No food allowed in the auditorium

Church dress please

Due to the limited number of shows and seats, kindly only attend one showing

No cameras or audio recording devices. Please turn off all cell phones during the performance.

Should you decide to not use your tickets, please return them to Brother Mark Carley for a full refund. Due to great interest in this production, we hope no tickes will go unused and request your assistance accordingly.

Monday, November 10, 2014

Missionary Monday: Elder Armstrong Serving In Puerto Rico

Here are two recent letters from Elder Armstrong:
Hello everyone!
I'm happy to report that my companion and I are feelin much better but we did spend some time in bed this week.  Fortunately the members treated us well and brought us soup and vitamin C.  By the way sisters don't ever doubt your contribution.  You might not be able to give priesthood blessings but you sure can make soups that will raise the dead haha. 
Had a nice lesson this week with P. and luckily his wife came home from work early and also participated.  Couldn't get a commitment out of her, but she also didn't reject us.  So we will keep working on her and hopefully bring a couple from the ward over.  Quick question: Do you have ward missionaries right now?  Because it's probably a sweet calling.

Also taught M. and her daughter M.  We taught the Plan of Salvation.  They showed a lot of interest and were understanding and asking questions.  Biggest challenge with them is to get them to come to church.

I can definitely attest to the fact that the missionaries depend heavily on members to aid in the work.  We need your help in finding and teaching and fellowshipping.  You can make a huge difference in people's lives.  Your service is extremely valuable and the Lord will bless you immensely for it!  Investigators change when they interact with members, because they see the blessings of the gospel working first-hand in people's lives.  And they desire those blessings.  The lesson we had with Pablo just last week gave him a renewed desire to make the gospel part of his life.  The secret? A member was there to testify to him of the blessings he had received.  So please invite your friends into your homes and invite the missionaries into your homes.  You will be so blessed.

I testify that this is the Lord's work and that we have a lot to do. So get your head in the game!

Thanks for everything you are and stand for.  Keeping working to build strong families and relationships with others!  Continue to love and serve those around you.  It makes a difference!

Thanks again for the package and especially loved the Honeydukes sweets!  My sweet tooth is going to get me into trouble someday.  Especially since all the puerto ricans think we would rather drink soda than water.  Our conversations go something like this: "Elders would you like something to drink?"  Then we say something like, "Yes please that would be excellent."  And then they respond, "Do you want water or... WE HAVE SODA FOR YOU!"  And then we are supposed to respond, "Oh wow hermanita you are so nice and thoughtful and considerate and we absolutely would love soda!!!"  Ok thats a little bit of an exaggeration but puerto ricans do love soda.  But it's all good, BRING ON THE PACKAGES and after the mission I will start worrying about diabetes.

This week we had great lessons with both P. and M. and some of M.'s family, and several less actives.  Also have had success asking members for references which we need to follow up on. Most of them come from identifying and visiting part-member families and getting to know their non-LDS family members.  As you know I am training again.  No worries, I get along great with Elder N. who is from South Jordan, Utah.  So far President Boucher has been having gringos train gringos and latinos train latinos.  That didn't happen for me and trust me I think it is better this way.  People with similar backgrounds can help each other better make the transition into the mission.  P. and M. didn't come to church unfortunately but several less actives did.  Also randomly happened to run into members this week that identified themselves as inactives but would like us to visit.  Oh yeah!

Overall am pleased to say the work is gaining speed in the Carolina Ward.  Largely it is due to the help of the members and is all in the Lord's time of course.  I can definitely say I'm loving the members and the people.  I feel like November and December will fly by since it is the Christmas season (Christmas music yay!).

November is a good time to remember just how much God has done for us and just how privileged we are to be among those few in the world who have the gospel:

"10 Remember the worth of souls is great in the sight of God;
 11 For, behold, the Lord your Redeemer suffered death in the flesh; wherefore he suffered the pain of all men, that all men might repent and come unto him.
 12 And he hath risen again from the dead, that he might bring all men unto him, on conditions of repentance.
 13 And how great is his joy in the soul that repenteth!
 14 Wherefore, you are called to cry repentance unto this people.
 15 And if it so be that you should labor all your days in crying repentance unto this people, and bring, save it be one soul unto me, how great shall be your joy with him in the kingdom of my Father!
 16 And now, if your joy will be great with one soul that you have brought unto me into the kingdom of my Father, how great will be your joy if you should bring many souls unto me!" (D&C 18:10-16)
There is incredible joy that comes from serving the Lord!  Catch the wave!

Love you all,
-Elder Armstrong

P.S. Here are a few photos of us in the Yunque Rainforest.  Reminded me a bit of the Rocky Mountains, and was really enjoyable but it just didn't have the same snow or mountain breeze that I love.  Nevertheless, extremely beautiful.  The day we went it was overcast and foggy.  Also I was thinking I don't want to give you the wrong idea about mission life, so I think I need to take photos of us proselyting.

I love you!
-Elder Armstrong
Elder Armstrong is serving from the Westridge Ward.

Friday, November 7, 2014

Important Information For Mini-MTC

Youth Missionaries!

Your Mini-MTC experience starts this Friday, November 7, 2014 at 5:30pm at the Foothills Canyon Building (dressed in missionary attire=white shirt & tie/suit for YM; past the knee dress/skirt for YW).  

You will sign-in, receive a name badge & itinerary, verify your service project waiver is signed by your parents, put all your belonging in the Primary Room under the number that matches the number on the back of your name tag.  Note: NO CELL PHONES will be allowed for this 24 hr. experience.

PARENTS ARE WELCOME TO STAY FOR THE FIRESIDE! The fireside will take place from 6-7pm, directly after sign-in. Afterwards, parents will be dismissed and dinner will be served to the youth missionaries.  Following the dinner, you will travel to your host family's home.

Items to bring:
·      2 changes of clothes:
o   for the service project (i.e. jeans, t-shirt, tennis shoes) 
o   “missionary” attire for Saturday (after the service project)
·      Pajamas, toiletries, & any personal medications
·      Sleeping Bag & pillow
·      Scriptures
·      Notepad and pen
·      Journal
·      Preach my Gospel

Elder Bednar said, “The single most important thing you can do to prepare for a call to serve is to become a missionary long before you go on a mission.”

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Upcoming: Highlands Ranch Temple Consecration Day


Brothers and Sisters,

Plan now to make Thursday, November 13 a special Temple day. If possible, try to attend multiple sessions throughout the day/evening.

Go to our web site to register and sign up for specific session times. This will help the Temple plan and staff for the patron’s arrivals, as sessions have limited capacity.

The web site will require you to create a log-on name and password, as it is not linked to your LDS account, but you can use the same credentials if you prefer.

Go to: then click "Register."

There will be a box for Family File names of persons that need work done so be sure to check there if you don’t have family file records of your own. If you need help preparing names, check with your ward Family History Consultants.

We look forward to seeing you in the Temple.

The Highlands Ranch Colorado Stake Presidency

Monday, November 3, 2014

Missionary Monday: Elder Skalla Serving In Tampico, Mexico

Here is a recent blogpost from Elder Skalla:

Crazy is the new normal...

Crazy is starting to be the new normal here haha. On Wednesday we had divisions with the Zone Leaders because Elder Flores is District Leader.  I stayed in our area with Elder Stoor. He is from Colorado too! Well right now his family lives in Utah and he has lived all over the place but he says he likes Colorado the best haha. It was weird having an American comp and we actually spoke English which was really weird. I didn't think I would have a problem with it but it was honestly really hard to do at first. I didn't realize how infrequently I was using English and how much I was accustomed to Spanish haha. The Spanish is always getting better. It's not too much of a barrier but I just have to keep growing the vocabulary to be able to understand what people are saying haha. The hardest part I think is having a personality. It sounds weird but its true. When you cant speak your own language you lose your personality! Which stinks because I feel like a robot and I can't express myself and I can't make people laugh and it's really hard, but little by little it's coming. 

My shoes are holding up awesome. I have only worn the dressy ones once because the others are just way more comfortable. With the others you feel everything under your feet which is awful here and with the giant ones you feel nothing :) We do take a taxi when we go to the other side most of the time. There is a highway that goes from the center of Pueblo Viejo to a place called el paso del humo where the boats cross the river to Tampico. There is a taxi route down this highway that we use and its just six pesos one way and they drop you wherever you want on the highway so that's how we get between the two areas. We think that this transfer they're going to put missionaries back in the other area because we are still paying rent on their house.The next transfer is the 29th of September. Every 6 weeks on Mondays we have transfers. 

On Saturday we did divisions and I went to Anuahac with Elder Mendez, from Puebla, which is a town that's almost an island close to Pueblo Viejo. Its just a little fishing town and the streets are pretty much covered in oyster shells. It was an interesting experience haha. They just have a little branch and not many investigators or members. We went to an investigators house and she asked if I had tried oysters and I said no and then a few seconds later she was opening one and gave it to me to eat. They put lemon and salt and a bit of salsa on them and you just slurp um straight from the shell. It's just salty and gooey and gross haha, but not too bad. 

I'm excited to come back and be able to eat Kneaders haha. Logan emailed me to tell me that Qdoba is opening in Dixie!  haha He said he wants me to go there with him when I come back haha. I told him he should come to BYU or USU with me. 

I only have two weeks left of being a greenie and then who knows what happens. Elder Flores most likely is leaving this change. We have lots of investigators who are way potential and we are hoping to have a baptism the last Saturday of this transfer for Norma. Keep referring the missionaries to all your friends and sharing the gospel with everyone! 
Elder Flores Says "Saludos a su familia y que tienen un hijo excelente"
I don't think I have anything else to say... Love you!
Elder Skalla
P.S. It rains a ton here haha but mostly in the night. Friday there was a huge storm in the morning that was awesome but also a pain because all the streets flood and everything is wet and the roads get terrible (Because the Mexican solution to pot holes is filling them with dirt) Its raining right now actually haha. But its all fun. Rain is better in Colorado when it doesn't make everything dirty and terrible haha. But I love it! It's all part of the adventure!

P.S.S.  just heard about the changes to Seminary and qualifications for graduation! Glad I made it out before lol I never would have graduated! Its all for the better though, I wish seminary wouldn't have been so early so I could've taken advantage of it. 
Elder Skalla is serving from the Highlands Ranch Ward. For more information from him, you can visit his blog by clicking HERE.