past week was a good one! We worked hard and had fun. For the Zone
Conference we made over 100 little alfajores, which were delicious.
Also, we finished reading the Book of Mormon as a mission, which we
started reading in January. I loved reading it and learning from the
examples of the prophets. Now Hermana Cordova and I decided to read the
New Testament, which is quite interesting. I love the scriptures.
week is going to be a bit crazy.. We have exchanges and I am going to
Bragado for three days again to work with Hermana Cleveland (who is from
California and knows Khira Holbrook!). I feel like Bragado is another
one of my areas! Then on Friday we have an Hermanas Conference in Buenos
Aires! I am super excited to see all my hermanas and to be uplifted by
the messages and activities. Then, of course on Sunday I get to talk to
you guys! Wahoo!
am starting to get pretty good at cooking here in Argentina. At first
it was terrible but little by little I became accustomed to the changes
and now I can cook up a storm if we don't have lunch! Also, I make a
little treat for our Family Home Evenings that we have with the branch
every Friday. I have tried to make brownies a few times but it doesn't
turn out very well. Can you send me a few simple recipes?
was branch conference and it turned out great! We are slowly growing
and people are starting to reactivate themselves. During the sacrament I
was worried that we wouldn't have enough bread to go around, and then I
felt really thankful that that was my worry. It is a blessing to have
sacrament meeting filled with people.
Christ-like Attribute of the week is HOPE. "Hope is an abiding trust
that the Lord will fulfill His promises to you. It is manifest in confidence, optimism, enthusiasm, and patient perseverance. Hope helps you conquer discouragement. Hope is the anchor of our souls."
How can you increase your hope?
know this church is true. I know that families can be together forever
only through the restored gospel. And I know that Jesus Christ is our
Savior! It's great to be a missionary!
Love, Hermana Redford
Sister Redford is serving from the Falcon Park Ward.
Do you have a missionary you would like to highlight on this blog? Please send us a letter and a picture to and we will highlight them!
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