stories from its international Newsroom websites to share what leaders
and members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints around
the world are doing to better the communities in which they live.
France: Church Apostle Visits Paris Temple Site

(left to right) Elder Patrick Kearon of the Seventy, Elder Neil L. Andersen of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles and Bishop Gérald Caussé, first counselor in the Presiding Bishopric of the Church at the Paris France Temple construction site.
Elder Neil L. Andersen of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles was in France recently to review the construction of the Paris France Temple and to meet with members of the Church.

Elder Andersen said the Church expresses its gratitude for the efforts made so far on the project.
Read more about Elder Andersen’s visit including meeting with the youth of the Church in Paris on the France Mormon Newsroom website (French).
India: Church Sponsors Event for People With Disabilities

People with various disabilities in India gathered in Shreeramanahally, a small southern town in the country, to learn educational and leadership skills and to understand the importance of strong families.

The event was called Inchara, meaning “sweet voices.” Participants learned principles to help them be successful in life, and they discovered that they weren’t the only ones with disabilities. Lidia Gupta said, “This workshop has given me a sense of belonging.I never knew that there were so many other kids just like me. I have learned so much and made friends. It has been really good for me to be here.”
Go to the India Mormon Newsroom website to learn more about the event.
Ghana: Latter-day Saints Donate Food, Supplies and Money to School for the Deaf
Members of the Church in Ghana have contributed a number of items to the Sekondi School for the Deaf in Inchaban in the western region of the country.

Takoradi Ghana Stake President, Peter Tetteh Dzikpe (right) shakes hands with Mr. Kofi Oti-Frimpong at the presentation. Looking on are members of the Church.
Donations included sugar, liquid soap, canned tomatoes, cooking oil, clothing and money to purchase diesel fuel for use in the school’s standby generator. The generator has been idle for some time because of the lack of money to purchase fuel.
Kofi Oti-Frimpong, the school’s headmaster, expressed his gratitude to the Church. He said, “Gratitude is more than saying thanks. The real power of gratitude comes from making meaningful use of those things for which you are thankful.”
Read more about the story on the Ghana Mormon Newsroom website.
Paraguay: Church Donates 530 Wheelchairs
The Church’s wheelchair initiative has donated 530 wheelchairs to the Solidarity Foundation in Paraguay. The program is an effort to improve mobility and health and explore educational and economic opportunities for people with disabilities.

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints seeks to make sure people with disabilities are included in life’s experiences and facilitate their autonomy and social integration.
Go to the Paraguay Mormon Newsroom website (Spanish) for more about the story.
Bulgaria: Mormon Missionaries and Members Help in Varna Recovery

Members and missionaries of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints helped residents clean up last month from terrible flooding, a mudslide and destruction in Varna, Bulgaria. Varna is the largest city on Bulgaria’s Black Sea coast.

The devastation left basement apartments, shops, cellars and underground parking garages filled with mud from floor to ceiling.
Read more on the Bulgaria Mormon Newsroom website (Bulgarian) about the impact missionaries made in the community.
Hungary: Latter-day Saints Assist Flood Victims in the Balkans
Victims of flooding in the Balkans last May were given assistance by members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
Mormons packed clothes, food, hygiene products and other necessities to help the thousands of people left homeless.
The Hungary Mormon Newsroom website (Hungarian) provides additional information.
Pacific: Tongan Teens Serve, Apply Gospel Principles
More than 1,800 Tongan youth of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints spent three days in June serving others.

Among the many things they did was pack 1,000 lunches for students at 10 schools; delivered 100 baskets of food and other home supplies to families, including widows, experiencing difficult circumstances; and assembled additional supplies for families in need.
Read on the Pacific Mormon Newsroom website about where the youth gathered.
Alaska: Mormon Youth Make Pioneer Trek

The rugged Alaskan terrain proved to be a good place for Latter-day Saint youth to reenact the 1847 Mormon pioneers’ trek west.

More than 180 youth and their Church leaders walked three days of the four-day summer activity dressed in pioneer clothing, pulling handcarts and eating Dutch oven style.
This trek is similar to hundreds of others in which youth participate throughout the world.
Read more about their adventure on the Mormon Newsroom website.
France: Church Apostle Visits Paris Temple Site
(left to right) Elder Patrick Kearon of the Seventy, Elder Neil L. Andersen of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles and Bishop Gérald Caussé, first counselor in the Presiding Bishopric of the Church at the Paris France Temple construction site.
Elder Neil L. Andersen of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles was in France recently to review the construction of the Paris France Temple and to meet with members of the Church.
Elder Andersen said the Church expresses its gratitude for the efforts made so far on the project.
Read more about Elder Andersen’s visit including meeting with the youth of the Church in Paris on the France Mormon Newsroom website (French).
India: Church Sponsors Event for People With Disabilities
People with various disabilities in India gathered in Shreeramanahally, a small southern town in the country, to learn educational and leadership skills and to understand the importance of strong families.
The event was called Inchara, meaning “sweet voices.” Participants learned principles to help them be successful in life, and they discovered that they weren’t the only ones with disabilities. Lidia Gupta said, “This workshop has given me a sense of belonging.I never knew that there were so many other kids just like me. I have learned so much and made friends. It has been really good for me to be here.”
Go to the India Mormon Newsroom website to learn more about the event.
Ghana: Latter-day Saints Donate Food, Supplies and Money to School for the Deaf
Members of the Church in Ghana have contributed a number of items to the Sekondi School for the Deaf in Inchaban in the western region of the country.
Takoradi Ghana Stake President, Peter Tetteh Dzikpe (right) shakes hands with Mr. Kofi Oti-Frimpong at the presentation. Looking on are members of the Church.
Donations included sugar, liquid soap, canned tomatoes, cooking oil, clothing and money to purchase diesel fuel for use in the school’s standby generator. The generator has been idle for some time because of the lack of money to purchase fuel.
Kofi Oti-Frimpong, the school’s headmaster, expressed his gratitude to the Church. He said, “Gratitude is more than saying thanks. The real power of gratitude comes from making meaningful use of those things for which you are thankful.”
Read more about the story on the Ghana Mormon Newsroom website.
Paraguay: Church Donates 530 Wheelchairs
The Church’s wheelchair initiative has donated 530 wheelchairs to the Solidarity Foundation in Paraguay. The program is an effort to improve mobility and health and explore educational and economic opportunities for people with disabilities.
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints seeks to make sure people with disabilities are included in life’s experiences and facilitate their autonomy and social integration.
Go to the Paraguay Mormon Newsroom website (Spanish) for more about the story.
Bulgaria: Mormon Missionaries and Members Help in Varna Recovery
Members and missionaries of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints helped residents clean up last month from terrible flooding, a mudslide and destruction in Varna, Bulgaria. Varna is the largest city on Bulgaria’s Black Sea coast.
The devastation left basement apartments, shops, cellars and underground parking garages filled with mud from floor to ceiling.
Read more on the Bulgaria Mormon Newsroom website (Bulgarian) about the impact missionaries made in the community.
Hungary: Latter-day Saints Assist Flood Victims in the Balkans
Victims of flooding in the Balkans last May were given assistance by members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
Mormons packed clothes, food, hygiene products and other necessities to help the thousands of people left homeless.
The Hungary Mormon Newsroom website (Hungarian) provides additional information.
Pacific: Tongan Teens Serve, Apply Gospel Principles
More than 1,800 Tongan youth of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints spent three days in June serving others.
Among the many things they did was pack 1,000 lunches for students at 10 schools; delivered 100 baskets of food and other home supplies to families, including widows, experiencing difficult circumstances; and assembled additional supplies for families in need.
Read on the Pacific Mormon Newsroom website about where the youth gathered.
Alaska: Mormon Youth Make Pioneer Trek
The rugged Alaskan terrain proved to be a good place for Latter-day Saint youth to reenact the 1847 Mormon pioneers’ trek west.
More than 180 youth and their Church leaders walked three days of the four-day summer activity dressed in pioneer clothing, pulling handcarts and eating Dutch oven style.
This trek is similar to hundreds of others in which youth participate throughout the world.
Read more about their adventure on the Mormon Newsroom website.
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