Dear Brothers and Sisters:
Ward Temple Day for each ward in our Stake is Thursday, 9/11/2014.
As a Stake Presidency, we encourage you to attend the temple on Thursday and bring a friend that may not have been in while.
President Benson said at the dedication of the Denver Temple in October 1986:
The saints in this temple district will be better able to meet their
trials. Your families will be protected; your children safeguarded.
September Assignments:
Laundry Workers:
Morning shift (8am - noon) No Assignment
Evening shift (4pm- 8pm) 2 workers from Roxborough
Sealing Assignment:
Highlands Ranch and Northridge (Each Ward is to have 6 Sisters &
6 Brothers, arrive at the Sealing Office between 5:45 pm & 6:15 pm)
Initiatory Assignment:
6 Brothers and 6 Sisters from Daniels Park and Falcon Park (arrive at the Initiatory Desk between 6 – 6:30 pm)
Chapel Session:
Westridge has the chapel session at 6:00 pm in conjunction with
their ward conference. Patrons should pick up a 6:30 pm tile when
entering the temple. We ask that the Ward have at least 20 persons
attend the Chapel Session
Endowment Schedule:
Heritage Park 5:00 pm
Spring Gulch 5:00 pm
Daniels Park 6:00 pm
Falcon Park 6:00 pm
Westridge 6:30 pm- 6:00 pm Chapel Session
Roxborough 6:30 pm
Northridge 7:00 pm
Saddle Ranch 7:00 pm
Highlands Ranch 7:30 pm
Summit View 7:30 pm
If you have Family File names and would like help from our stake
members in completing the temple work on Ward Temple Day, we invite you
to bring the cards to the temple office and put them in the Highlands
Ranch Colorado Stake box, which will be available on the second Thursday
of each month for Ward Temple Day. You can pick up the names any time
after they are completed in the usual location according to normal
temple procedures.
Stake Members who are willing to do Temple Work with Family File Names:
As you arrive at the temple, stop at the office and pick up Family
File cards from the Highlands Ranch Colorado Stake box, which will be
there on the second Thursday of each month for Ward Temple Day. After
the work is completed, the cards will be returned to the office,
recorded, and returned to the person who submitted the name in the usual
fashion. You do not need to make any special arrangements to return
them unless you are unable to complete the work that day, in which case
you can return the card to the stake box before leaving the temple.
Thank you for your faithful service in the Temple.
The Highlands Ranch Colorado, Stake Presidency
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