Friday, January 9, 2015

Serving The Spanish Branch In Lakewood

Recently an e-mail was sent out to members of the Bargain Blast seeking donations of used clothes, toys, and household items for the Spanish Branch in Lakewood. This is a branch with many needs, and members of the Highlands Ranch Stake came through- helping to provide a very Merry Christmas to those in our area!

Here are the collections in the garage getting ready to go:

Members of the Westridge Ward met together, loaded up their cars, and headed to Lakewood to deliver the items to the Lakewood church where the Spanish ward meets. They unloaded their car and set up the items. There were about 15 tables, and every table was full of donated items about 3 feet high, with more items under each table.

 Even small children were able to help. The items were set up in the cultural hall. The  next day, members from the Spanish Branch came and "shopped."

This is just one of many ways that members of our stake can get involved in serving others. This turned out to be a wonderful evening for all who participated. Thank you to all the members of the stake who donated used clothes and household items. It was a huge success!

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