My goodness family and friends this work is truly the work of Heavenly Father. This week we had the privilege to have Elder Ellis from the Seventy here for a mission tour. We had an 7 hour training by him and his wife, and it was amazing. He really focused on having faith and his wife focused on, "Are we having fun yet?" The mission experience should really be enjoyable!! It shouldn't be "endure to the end", it should be "enjoy to the end!" He also focused on how he is just a messenger, and what he says is inspired by Heavenly Father for our mission. I wish I could just share everything that he said, but I have it all written down in my notes. The missionaries in this mission are wonderful and I have some amazing leaders. Everyday just brings a new experience and although some days are longer than others, I still go to bed every night so tired, but wake up ready to go again.
The weeks are starting to fly by now, and it is not okay! This week we
receive transfer calls. I am 99% sure that I am staying here, unless
there is something crazy that happens. I hope I stay in Plano for
awhile. I feel like I will be here for at least 3 transfers. It is just
such an amazing town. I wish I had more to write about, but just know
that all is well and that I know this is exactly where I need to be.
Love you all and I hope you have a wonderful week!!
Hermana Cattich
Sister Cattch is serving from the Northridge Ward. For more information about her and her mission, you can visit her blog at
Thank you to the Stake Public affairs committee for arranging this forum to hear what our many missionaries are doing, and how the work is progressing, around the world. We have some amazing young men and women serving from our stake, particularly in this new TIDE of missionary work.